Dienstag, 13. September 2016

Hyper-V Host does not set ICACLS permissions for new virtual machines

We have a Windows 2012R2 Hyper-V Host, and as things go, someone apparently did something and suddenly we had to resort to hacks to make new VMs run.

So, how did the problem manifest? Whenever someone added a new VM, either using a new virtual disk or a template, this exception would pop up:
'TestVm' could not initialize.
An attempt to initialize VM saved state failed.
'TestVm' could not initialize. (Virtual machine ID ....)
'TestVm' could not create or access saved state file 80F7C822-455B-4D70-9D73-B250196B36A9.vsv.

We had a fix/hack for solving this.
Run the following command in a cmd-prompt (not PowerShell!):

icacls 02250683-9FD8-4286-95CC-5C131F6A09DE.vsv /grant "NT VIRTUAL MACHINE\02250683-9FD8-4286-95CC-5C131F6A09DE":(F)

However, remembering that for every new VM is not much fun.

The problem was, that the folder permissions on the folder with the Hyper-V VM disks and configurations lacked a permission for the "Hyper-V Administrators".

I changed the permission on the base folder holding the disks and the configs by adding the Hyper-V Administrators group of the local machine, and the problem was gone:

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