Another cpp nightmare.
Debugging managed libraries remotely was rather easy. Have the remote debugging tools installed, run the code on the remote machine, attach to it via your local VS, have the right pdbs ready, done. You're debugging.
Of course, you should be sure that the pdbs actually match the dlls. That can be checked with an appropriate tool.
For native code, apparently, the debug symbols need to be placed into the same directory as on the remote machine. Like, if it's remotely in "C:\some\where\strange\myProg.exe", then you need to create this strange directory on your local machine as well.
I didn't find anything on the web which explicitly stated that.
Here are some other links, which might be of help:
Remote Debugging and Diagnostics (vs 2013)
and, of course, a most cited resource about pdb files in general (native and managed):
But they seem to deploy directly what you build to a remote machine, instead of having corporate release builds installed on them and then debugging them with the pdb files which the build machine thankfully published as well.
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